Parish Council

Parish of Hempstead

I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE that a Meeting of HEMPSTEAD PARISH COUNCIL will be held at Hempstead Village Hall, High Street, CB10 2PD on Thursday 13th July 2023 at 8pm.

Members of the press and public are welcome to attend. Please email Rebecca Cox, the Clerk, parishclerkhempstead@gmail.com, if you would like to join.

  • 23/049 Apologies for absence

  • 23/050 Public Forum members of the public are welcome to speak in regard to items on the agenda and other matters of mutual interest. The max time allowed for this item is 15 mins but may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.

  • 23/051 Declarations of Interest Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, other Pecuniary Interest or non-Pecuniary Interest relating to items on the agenda.

  • 23/052 Reports from District and/or County Councillors

  • 23/053 Minutes of Previous Meeting of Thursday 15th June to be approved.

  • 23/054 Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting of Friday 26th May to be approved.

  • 23/055 Finance
    • Item 1 - to receive financial update from the Clerk.
    • Item 2 - to discuss the Parish Council’s insurance requirements and agree levels of cover required, due to change in the provider as informed by Community Action Suffolk on 7th July. Decision required to allow for quote to be issued before the current cover expires on 8th August.
    • Item 3 - Chair to sign invoices presented, including £1050 and £300 to Watch the Dot and £52.80 to the RCCE.

  • 23/056 Allocation of Responsibilities Councillor responsibilities allocated and consideration of co-opting additional councillors to fill vacancies.

  • 23/057 Planning to review and comment on new planning applications and to note any decisions as at 06/07/23.
       Newlands: UTT/23/1290/HHF. AWAITING DECISION
       Fields Farm: UTT/23/0973/PAQ3. NO PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED
       Outstanding enforcement requests.

  • 23/058 Parish Standards Training Clerk to feedback on training received and implications for Councillors’ Registers of Interest.

  • 23/059 Correspondence Drones being flown near Hill Road

  • 23/060 Speedwatch/Police speed checks Discuss speeding issues and contact with the Uttlesford Police Engagement Officer. New camera now being used by Police.

  • 23/061 Reports from Councillors
    Highways and Rights of Way Local Highways Panel submissions. Quiet Lanes. Footpath cutting.
    Environment War memorial paving quote. Clearance of stream behind bus shelter.
    Communications New village Website.
    Village Hall

  • 23/062 Matters Arising requiring decisions, to be included on the next Agenda

  • 23/063 Future Meeting Dates: 17th August. Decision to be made on dates for future meetings.

Signed Rebecca Cox, Clerk and RFO to Hempstead Parish Council, dated 7th July 2023

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